Bartin Dorothea (Thorathea ou Thurla) et Agnes (soeurs), de Reinach; Suris Jacob, de Muttenz

Title Value
Institution Archives de l'ancien Évêché de Bâle (AAEB)
Reference number B 168/14-10
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Last Change by anonymous at 2024-01-15 20:52:33
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Title Value
Scribes Unbekannt
Creation Location Reinach
Creation Period 1577 - 1577
Languages Deutsch / allemand / tedesco
Source Type Legal Documents / Legal Documents of Mundane Institutions
Title Value
Writing material (Unknown)
Measurements 0.00 / 0.00 cm (w/h)
Number of pages
Pagination System (Unknown)
Seal ?
Illuminations ?
Title Value
Editorial comments