Davidis Gorlaei Ultraiectini Exercitationes Philosophicae quibus universa fere discutitur Philosophia Theoretica.

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Initial Upload by gbmllr at 2024-09-23 16:36:08
Institution Leiden University Libraries
Last Change by gbmllr at 2024-09-23 16:36:08
Reference Number Closed Stack 5 ; 650 E 11
Static Version URL https://transcriptiones.ch/display/institutions/leiden-university-libraries/closed-stack-5-650-e-11-exercitationes-philosop/davidis-gorlaei-ultraiectini-exercitationes-philo/1/
Transcribed Parts of the Document Entire book
Title Value
Scribes Ioannes Commelini (printer), Bibliopolium Commelinianum‏
Creation Location Franeker or Leiden
Creation Period 1610 - 1612
Languages Lateinisch / latin / latino
Source Type Scholarly Writings / Philosophical Writings
Title Value
Writing Material Paper
Measurements 0.00 / 0.00 cm (w/h)
Number of Pages 352
Pagination System Pagination
Title Value
Editorial Comments This transcription has been generated from a google books scan of the book at the BNZ in Rome: https://books.google.ch/books?id=jgPCt2BCczwC. Cf. also this scan of Isaac Vossius' copy: https://books.google.nl/books?id=rQ9NR8CdPIIC and this copy with an alternate imprimatur: https://www.google.ch/books/edition/D_Gorl%C3%A6i_Exercitationes_philosophic%C3%A6_q/KfJmAAAAcAAJ. The text base was produced with the tools at OCR4all (https://www.ocr4all.org/) and then improved in a series of half-automated steps. At the beginning of each new page, the page number is inserted in brackets. Page breaks reflect the layout of the print, as do paragraph breaks. The text is in Markdown format for titles and emphases. Italics and punctuation have been preserved. Missing letters have been added in brackets, whereas abbreviated words have been silently expanded. Ligatures have been generally dissolved (e.g. æ to ae), and accents removed. The spelling of words using i, j, u and v has also been normalized, and occurrences of long ſ have been replaced with "s" throughout.