Erkanntnis betreffend Fürkauf von Korn, Hans Müller und andere belangend

Title Value
Initial Upload by benjaminhitz at 2022-06-29 21:34:20
Institution Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt
Last Change by benjaminhitz at 2022-06-29 21:34:20
Reference Number Ratsbücher B 1
Static Version URL
Transcribed Parts of the Document 55r
Title Value
Source Type Administrative Writings / Official Books
Scribes Unbekannt
Languages Deutsch / allemand / tedesco
Creation Period 1485
Creation Location Basel
Title Value
Illuminations ?
Measurements 0.00 / 0.00 cm (w/h)
Number of Pages
Pagination System (Unknown)
Seal ?
Writing Material (Unknown)
Title Value
Editorial Comments