Wilhelm Brotschoch der Müller, Burger zu Basel, welcher seine Ehefrau trotz gebotenem Frieden und ohne Ursache geschlagen hat

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Institution Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt
Reference Number St. Urk. 2592
Transcribed Parts of the Document Entire document
Last Change by AHeller at 2024-04-12 09:00:59
Initial Upload by AHeller at 2024-04-12 09:00:59
Static Version URL https://transcriptiones.ch/display/institutions/staatsarchiv-basel-stadt/st-urk-2592-stadtische-urkunden/wilhelm-brotschoch-der-muller-burger-zu-basel-w/1/
Title Value
Source Type Legal Documents / Legal Documents of Mundane Institutions
Scribes Wilhelm Brotschoch
Languages Deutsch / allemand / tedesco
Creation Period 1503-11-15
Creation Location Basel
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Writing Material Paper
Measurements 0.00 / 0.00 cm (w/h)
Number of Pages 1
Pagination System (Unknown)
Seal ?
Illuminations ?
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Editorial Comments