Urteil zwischen Hans Fry (Frei) und Hauptmann Hans von Mettenwyl

Title Value
Transcribed Parts of the Document 71v
Institution Staatsarchiv Luzern
Reference Number RP 42
Last Change by benjaminhitz at 2022-06-29 21:31:06
Initial Upload by benjaminhitz at 2022-06-29 21:31:06
Static Version URL https://transcriptiones.ch/display/institutions/staatsarchiv-luzern/rp-42/urteil-zwischen-hans-fry-frei-und-hauptmann-han/1/
Title Value
Scribes Luzerner Ratsschreiber
Creation Location Unbekannt
Creation Period 1590-05-04
Languages Deutsch / allemand / tedesco
Source Type Legal Documents / Legal Documents of Mundane Institutions
Title Value
Illuminations ?
Measurements 0.00 / 0.00 cm (w/h)
Number of Pages
Pagination System (Unknown)
Seal ?
Writing Material (Unknown)
Title Value
Editorial Comments